BARISHI - BLOOD FROM THE LION'S MOUTH (DIGI)Style : Progressive Metal, AvantgardeTRACKLIST :Grave Of The Creator, 2. Blood From The Lion's Mouth : "Keyboards – Hannah Hoffman", 3. The Great Ennead : "Saxophone [Subtle] – Ron Kelley", 4. Death Moves In Silence, 5. Mas..
BARREN EARTH - ON LONELY TOWERSStyle : Death MetalTRACKLIST : 1. From The Depths Of Sprint, 2. Howl, 3. Frozen Processions, 4. A Shapeless Derelict, 5. Set Alight, 6. On Lonely Towers, 7. Chaos, The Songs Within, 8. The Vault..
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