AMON - LIAR IN WAITStyle: Death MetalTRACKLIST:1. Among Us, 2. Eye Of The Infinite, 3. Lash Thy
Tongue And Vomit Lies, 4. Liar In Wait, 5. Reaching For Flesh, 6. Semblance Of
Man, 7. Sentience And Sapience, 8. Spat Forth From The Darkness, 9. Wraith Of
AMORPHIS - ELEGYStyle: Melodic Death Metal, Prog Metal,
Folk MetalTRACKLIST:1. Better Unborn, 2. Against Widows, 3. The Orphan, 4. On
Rich And Poor, 5. My Kantele, 6. Cares, 7. Song O..
AMORPHIS - THE KARELIAN ISTHMUSStyle: Melodic Death Metal, Prog Metal,
Folk Metal
TRACKLIST:The Karelian Isthmus 1. Karelia, 2. The Gathering, 3. Grail's Mysteries, 4. Warriors Trial, 5. Black Embrace, 6. The Exile Of The Sons Of Uisliu, 7. The Lost Name Of God, 8. The Pi..
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