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Dark Symphonies

Label: Dark Symphonies Format: CD
AGONIZE – FALL DEMO 1 / PROMO DEMO 1993Style:     Death Metal, Thrash TRACKLIST:Fall Demo 1         1. Innovaphobia, 2. In Abscence Of Comfort, 3. Forsaken By Sanity, 4. The Disclosure, "Promo Demo 1993" : 5. Grey, 6. Shri..
Label: Dark Symphonies Format: DCD
DARK - SEX 'N' DEATH + ZLA KREV DELUXEStyle :        Death MetalTRACKLIST :Sex 'N' Death 1. Live 'n' Impotence (Instr.), 2. The Focus Of Pus, 3. Making My Blood Boil, 4. Honesty Is The Death Policy, 5. Final Dances Of Death, 6. Sex 'N' Death, 7. Against All (Idiots..
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